
Paper Submission

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Full texts submitted by 26 December 2021 according to the following criteria will be published in the full the textbook that is proper for the new Academic Incentive Regulation. Papers submitted after the  deadline will not be included in the book.

Papers should be written justified, not exceeding 12 pages including abstract, main text, tables, figures and references, the names and institutions of the authors should be centered under the title. Title should be written in 14 size, bold and centered, the names and institutions of the authors should be centered under the title. If there is more than one institution, number of authors and institutions should be assigned to determine which authors are working in which institution. Research articles should include the subsections of INTRODUCTION, ABSTRACT of LITERATURE, MATERIALS and METHODS, CONCLUSION, DISCUSSION and REFERENCES. The headings of the tables should be above the tables while the headings of figures and graphs should be below the figures and / or graphs. The manuscript should be written in Times New Roman font with 11 size and 1.5 line spaced in Microsoft Word. Paragraphs should be indented 1 cm. References should be ordered due to the author’s surnames and written according to APA 6 (American Psychological Association) standards. All references in the text should be listed in the “REFERENCES” list.